NautilusCD System Book versionID shutDown Arial Arial status buttonUp buttonUp edit script buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd sysWindowHandle: sysHwnd 16928ndowHandle: buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd version #::ndle: version enterPage enterPage sysHwnd version versionID enterPage sysHwnd version versionID Magazine initBrowse formSuspend openBrowse closeMagazine activateInstance closeBrowse openHelp formReturn helpAbout openMagazine saveWinPos popupFolder openIndex restoreWinPos openPrefs sysLocks windowMoved formSetInfo openForm saveReturnPage closeForm enterForm statusMsg leaveForm goBack keyDown errorMessage goToPage initPrefs initINI enterBook setupMenus initMenus openStartup sizeToPage maxWindow openTools leaveSystem leavePage shutDown openLink initIDs openSub leaveBook openMemo readMemo initMagazine noMoreLink issueName issueID isNCD discID myPath writeErr isMag discINIStr startup isForm romDrive playClick noDiscStr badSetupStr isMagazine versionCheck linkID isStartup diskType formGetInfo OutBoxFile InBoxFile status romDrive myPath playClick leavePage statusMsg keyDown previous sizeToPage sizeToPage search openTools openStartup DEVELOP isCtrl isShift activateInstance isNCD setupMenus mediaViewer viewerHwnd IsWindowVisible windowMoved saveWinPos enterBook isMagazine initMagazine setupMenus trestoreWinPos leaveBook isMagazine *=closeMagazine formSuspend isMagazine *=closeMagazine formReturn isMagazine initMagazine setupMenus saveWinPos isMagazine lastWindowPos restoreWinPos isMagazine sizeToPage lastWindowPos saveReturnPage isMag mhHistory status status statusMsg status default goToPage isMagazine Go to page number ... default startup startupDir STARTUP.NCD openStartup startup openBook openTools toolsViewer showViewer initIDs issueName issueID issName issID initMagazine ?initIDs initBrowse browseViewer initBrowse postViewerCmd openAnim sizeTopage DEVELOP playOpen browseMovie initBrowse discID issueID closeBrowse browseViewer browseMovie discINIStr browseMovieSize discINIStr viewerData Movie viewerData romdrive szBrowseMovie browser browseMovie openBrowse initBrowse browseViewer initBrowse sendViewerCmd default browseMovie closeMagazine closeBrowse setupMenus closeBrowse browseViewer closeBrowse postViewerCmd BringWindowToTop browseMovie romDrive NAUTCD.HLP isFile startupDir NAUTCD.HLP isFile Can't find Help. #errorMessage noDiscStr isNum HelpTopicNum default hlpCmd hlpTopic openHelp hlpTopic helpAbout openMagazine romDrive setPath Select a magazine to open... stdfile versionCheck #errorMessage Unable to open that magazine! default sysErorr fName popupFolder openIndex openIndex statusMsg Opening NautilusCD Index... NautilusCD Disc Index FindByCaption startupDir NCDINDEX.EXE mhYield NautilusCD Disc Index FindByCaption Can't find NautilusCD Index. #errorMessage badSetupStr issueID fileName NCDINDEX NCDINDEX openIndex: writeErr NCDINDEX NCDINDEX statusMsg ShowWindow SetActiveWindow firstOpen openPrefs 0ropenForm startup Prefs sysLocks formSetInfo formInfo formGetInfo formInfo openForm sysLocks formSuspend saveReturnPage openBook enterForm default formName formBook closeForm sysLocks leaveForm goBack formReturn default mhHistory enterForm sizeToPage BringWindowToTop leaveForm statusMsg goBack openStartup openStartup thisPage mhHistory goBackPage isNCD isStartup isMagazine isForm isMag isMagazine isForm isForm formType isMagazine issueID NoDisc isStartup startup issueName ncdIssueName ncdIssueName bookName issueID ncdIssueID ncdIssueID NoDisc bookName discID issueID discINIStr errorMessage isViewer viewerError writeErr default errStr fromCD idleStatus noSystemBreak noDlg errMsg writeErr myPath issueID timeStamp Memory sysInfo versionID fileName Resources sysInfo errFile errStr initPrefs ncdINI Prefs INIEntryList OpenAnim MenuBar sizeToPage prefs playOpen initINI myPath ncdINI STARTUP romDrive INIEntryStr romDrive STARTUP startupDir writeINI Media Viewers INIEntryList Audio,CDAudio,MIDI,Movie,Picture,Text Media Viewers popup Media Viewers slideFactor INIEntryInt Media Viewers slideFactor writeINI objList nautilusDir startupDir playOpen discINIStr SetErrorMode romDrive _NAUTCD\DISC.INI DISC INFO INIEntryStr SetErrorMode discINI entryStr Prefs startupINI writeINI prefType prefStr prefValue Prefs startupINI INIEntryStr Media Viewers custom popup Prefs OpenAnim MenuBar prefType prefStr romDrive _romDrive romDrive ncdINI STARTUP romDrive writeINI fromCD _romDrive cdStatus setupMenus isNCD Open Tools initMenus isMagazine initMenus isNCD RemoveMenuItemsByPosition 8,7,6,5,4,3 &File &Exit NautilusCD Tools &Tools Open &Tools Window Ctrl+T Open &Magazine... Open &Startup Open &Disc Index Open &Preferences Find... Ctrl+F search &Help Help &Topics &About NautilusCD sizeToPage helpAbout openPrefs openIndex openStartup openMagazine openTools mName shutDown DEVELOP noDiscStr Please be sure the latest NautilusCD disc is in your CD ROM drive. badSetupStr Please be sure the latest NautilusCD has been properly installed. sizeToPage isMax maxWindow full screen client rect tbkPositionWindow tbkCenterWindow statusMsg Press F11 to restore window. isMax lParamLo lParamHi wParam winMsg leaveSystem exitState shutDown shutDown shutDown quitPrompt Are you sure you want to exit? exitState shutDown closeCover startup exitAllViewers close all tbkBitmap close all tbkMCI removeFont coverBmp versionCheck versionID versionID This magazine requires a newer version of NautilusCD Startup (v or later.) OK to run upgrade now? statusMsg Switching to upgrade... version discINIStr This disc contains NautilusCD Startup v . Please insert the latest NautilusCD disc and try again. Cancel Try Again Try Again version discINIStr romDrive setPath SETUP.EXE -F UPGRADE.INS discVer fName linkID bookName diskType bookName OutBoxFile InBoxFile openLink noMoreLink openSub noMoreLink openMemo noMoreLink readMemo memoData noMoreLink NautilusCD Link is no longer available. For subscription information, please call: 800/637 - 3472 Domestic 614/766 - 3165 International Or check the most recent NautilusCD disc for updated information. default